I want to do nothing all day long and have people stare at me and write up stuff all day which will entail a lot about nothing. I want to watch TV and inwardly laugh about Lucy Ricardo, Gilligan and Dr. Phil. Then, I'll itch and scratch to their amusement; perhaps even lick myself a few times. I may have to, uh, practice that. I don't think that exactly comes naturally to humans.
Think about it: no nagging spouse or kids, flop out a teat and let all the kiddies eat to their hearts' content; no one wanting any money; no car troubles; no laundry; no bills; no in-laws (except for the ones you haven't eaten yet); no jobs; no college loans; no lawn work; no trips to the Principal's office; no trips to jail (!); no school clothes shopping!
The only negative I can think of is that I think when the scientists are done with lab rates, the rats become a snake's lunch. Bastards.
Overwhelved, Ratty Fatima
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