1. Ty Pennington, hunk of Trading Places, and now spokesperson for a variety of things like Sears, Black & Decker, etc., apologized for his DUI. If he hadn't been caught, would he have come out and apologized that he was drinking last night, didn't caught, but was still sorry for all the innocent lives he could have killed/endangered? No. I've driven under the influence so I'm no Pollyanna when it comes to this subject, but please quit apologizing to the press and your fans. You're sorry cuz your stupid ass got caught.
2. Kathy Hilton "stands behind her daughter." Yes, number one because no one wants to see Kathy's picture or even her for that matter, they only want to see Paris. And two, of course any self-respecting mother stands behind her daughter. Could she not have come up with anything better than that?
I've seriously got to quit reading tabloid trash, the news, or anything even resembles it. It's depressing, sad and full of pathetic indulgence. Grrrr.
Out here - Fatima
Well You should have quit reading them along time ago or better never started. :)
That picture actually looks like you. Even so, I am still the much better looking sibling.
Dennis - you're 100% right. They are trash, garbage (and beneath me and rest of America for that matter). But they're ADDICTIVE! I read them and then can't believe the audacit of all of the celebretards. Ha. Fatima
Maybe there is some AA group you can attend to break this addiction.
is intervention needed?
Oh, most definitely - if there's an addiction out there - I've been involved with it in some form or another. And if there are any new addictions waiting to happen, I'll be first in line. In fact, right before I checked "Fatima," I was on Perez Hilton.com
I'm hopeless..........
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