So the other night, I brought up emotional eating to my therapist. He recommended a couple of books - which will mean a lovely trip to Barnes and Noble as well as an iced coffee from Starbucks - Yay!
He suggested that the yo-yo dieting, putting on an taking off of weight my entire adult life could possibly be a rebellious way of telling my father to screw off - since he's the one who used to stay on me, night and day, over my weight. This could be my way of "showing" him I'll do what I want, eat what I want, when i want, etc. Well, I sure showed him, didn't I???
But really, who is it showing anything to except the poor person standing behind me in a line thinking "baby's got BACK, and not in a good way like the song implies!
Don't know for sure; it was just one of his theories, but I'm giving it some thought. I also eat when I'm happy, bored, sad, lonely mad - emotional eating. That's what I'm going to look for at B&N this weekend. Maybe I could just take up non-stop gum chewing a la Britney Spears (except I don't think I'll be shaving my head), until my teeth fall out. that will be attractive!
Emotional Fatima
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