I wrote in many, many posts ago that I was insane for thinking I could easily (EASILY) take and pass a Financial Analysis graduate course when I am a Financial Analyst; that's what I do for a living. Oh. So wrong. And so sad.
Well, the first quiz I swore I failed, I got scored 100. Things were starting to look up. I have since received anywhere from 88s to 100s on everything I've turned in thus far (homework problems, quizzes, mid-term, and two abstracts).
But Saturday. Oh. That was a horse of a different color. She handed out the final; she'd told us ahead of time it was a take-home, and that we had to have it back in the mail to her around Wednesday-ish so she'd have time to grade it.
I looked at it - really looked at it - Sunday morning over coffee. I thought I picked up a copy of the Ukranian Times. Or perhaps a do-it-yourself manual for a nuclear missile written in Cantonese. I swear to God - I don't remember learning any of this shit! I mean I know I daydream from time to time (well..........a lot), but this shit is as crazy as thinking about poor old Paris is black and white stripes for 45 days. A little humorous, yes, but crazy.
I don't know how long it will take for her to grade everything and then for her to send out final grades, but I'll let everyone know about my F, uh, I mean my low B. I should have become a Physicist; that's starting to look easier to me than this fucking test. This picture depicts how I feel after looking at each problem on my test!
Dunce Fatima
If YOU are flummoxed by the test, the rest of your drooling masses of students are practically in a coma. Fret not.
I'm going to make a copy of this test and mail it to your ass. You will see the hell I am going through. However this summer's class is Administrative Theory and Practice - I'm all over theory like like a fly on a warm turd (that was lovely and ladylike, wasn't it?)
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