And I wish by "trip" that I meant an LSD one - but alas, no. I mean trip as in "road trip." Now, normally I'm up for a good road trip. But this one was with my anxiety-ridden mother and her cat who wouldn't quit shedding. I'm still picking cat hairs out of my back teeth.
I had to hear all about her medicines; when, where and how she takes them and what for, why, etc. I had to hear what her blood count was every time she took it, as well as her blood pressure. To read this, you'd think she was near death, but no. She's healthy as a horse for the most part. I hate to think what all medication she'll be one when she's truly unhealthy one day.
I had to hear about every one of her friends, neighbors, churchgoers (both past and present); their faults as well as their good points (but mostly their faults) to the point where I'm sure I wasn't a safe driver because my eyes just glazed over and I was daydreaming about beaches, pina coladas and handsome movie stars.
But the worst (other than that freaking cat!) was waiting for her to get ready each and every morning. No organization whatsoever. Or, she'll attempt to be organized, but then forget where she put everything that she so-called organized the night before. I'm wanting to get on the road each morning no later than about 7:00 a.m. - but nooooooo. we're still looking for her book, her glasses, the cat's water dish, her hair clips and "Oh, do you think we have enough bottled water for the trip?" questions. Right. Like they don't sell bottled water at EVERY gas station and convenience store from California to Maryland. As a joke I was going to bring her a 40 ounce beer and announce that they didn't sell bottled water - but I managed to refrain. Only because I would have had to drink said beer and probably would have been pulled. My luck.
Anyway, enough of the pity party of my trip from hell. I'm back to my home, my babies, my Baltimore, my job, the Internet, familiarity. And more importantly, I have plenty of Xanax and wine for when my mother anxiously worries over something.....uh.....which is about every 2 to 3 minutes. Seriously. You just don't know her. But I'm serious.
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