For Christmas, I'm buying all my family members baseball bats so that when I bring up the subject of school, they can commence the new holiday traditional family beatings upon me.
Let's see:
- elderly mother (just had heart attack and has anxiety over whether the mail comes at 2:00 or 2:01)
- cat (eeww - mentioned that earlier)
- Three year old who's 4th birthday is THIS WEDNESDAY! Have I planned a party, sent out invitations, ordered a cake? Oh, hell no. I think it will be at the park. Hopefully it will rain, we can just all come home, open presents, eat cake and take a nap.
- A 19 year old going on 40 with the mouth of Maude for those of you who can remember that show.
- A 24 year old who's husband just got stationed (AGAIN) in Afghanistan and she's under some anxiety issues as well this time. She'll be here in August. Apparently she'll be sleeping in the dryer as we've run out of bedding.
- Oh, a full time job. They have the audacity to think that me showing up isn't good enough. They actually expect me to WORK when I get there. Bastards.
- A husband who H-A-T-E-S his new job - and we get to hear about it.............often. God love him.
Ok, thanks for letting me vent. Oh, and how did I deal with this stress? By eating a Tollhouse Ice Cream Sandwich - which I think is 3 weeks' worth of Weight Watchers points. They invented a fucking birth control pill..............where's the pill that makes you slim after a few months? I just don't get it.
That which does not kill us only makes us stronger..............and crazier. This too shall pass.
Venting Fatima (much like Waltzing Matilda)
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