Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I'm Thinking of Becoming a Vegetarian....

.....only for about a 6-9 month period to see how I like it, handle it, etc. Plus, it will annoy my mother and piss off my husband and kids. See how everything always works out? I will be ambitious and start this weekend prior to July 4. I can always eat pasta salad, right?. My husband calls "them" Vaginatarians and thinks his cute little nick-name is a hoot. Okay, it was humorous the first time, about 5 years ago - but let it go.

My mother will totally freak because she doesn't read food labels and cannot figure out what she's to eat for her diabetes, cholesterol, heart, etc. Announcing I'm now a vegetarian should be comical.



Anonymous said...

Mother's eyes will roll right out of her head! Glad to hear you're becoming one of "us" - did I tell you that Mark had me roast an 18 pound turkey this weekend because he was having cranky meat cravings? Don't let that DISSUADE YOU ONE BIT!

Fatima said...

18 POUND TURKEY?!?!?! Isn't that enough to feed an entire 36 person family. (Just in case you were wondering, they always say about a 1/2 pound of turkey is what you should figure per person). But I'm with Mark - Pour it on bitch! There is no such thing as moderation in my life.