Monday, March 26, 2007

Whole Foods Rock

Whole foods is the way to go - at least for me. The more and more I read, and I read a lot, we need water, minerals, vitamins, oxygen (duh), exercise and food. But not the crappy processed food we find in most markets. I cannot even begin to tell you how much better and healthier I feel eating whole foods to include all fruits, veggies, meats, very grainy breads, whole wheat couscous, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, nuts, raisins, almonds, etc.

We took our 3- year old there and the only thing she didn't like (in fact she spit it on the floor much to my dismay) were their version of gummy snacks. She loved their version of "Nutrigrain Bars" - and I had one a couple days later and couldn't tell the difference.

They're a little pricey on some things, but I once read something a doctor said. She said, "either pay the grocer now, or the doctor (or undertaker) later." Good words to live by.

Whole Fatima

P.S. I rejoined Curves; got bored with my gym. Gotta switch things up from time to time. Plus my mom is moving here in May and she'll want to go to Curves with me, because God forbid she'd go to a gym where there might be men!!! Oy.


Anonymous said...

Mark likes to go there because "the fruit looks sexy". It's all so ripe, and round, and fresh...and so forth.

Fatima said...

That man has WAY too much testosterone running thru his body. He'd probably love the eggplant I bought the other day.