Sunday, March 18, 2007

Someone Needs to Bitch-slap Them Both and I Think it Should be me!

Found myself up early for a change on Saturday -no dog, husband, toddler, etc. I attempted to watch the news but they were all simultaneously on commercial break. So I flipped through channels until I found the Paris & Nicole: Interns show. Now normally, I 'd change the channel as soon as I could find the remote, but this one was a little humorous (let's face it, they all are just a little humorous). They were in a bakery making (or attempting) to make cakes and cupcakes.

It was like watching that famous "I Love Lucy" episode where Ethel and Lucy are at the candy factory. Anyway, after they failed miserably this heavy-set black woman who's probably been working since work was in vented told them that if they didn't shape up, they weren't going to get their daily paycheck, to which Paris mockingly groaned a sort of combination of "ohhhhhh," and "waaaaaa." Now, I immediately wanted to reach through the TV and bitch slap her, but c'mon, does that poor, disillusioned lady really think $8.48 makes a world of different to PARIS HILTON" Hell, that isn't even her cap ride home, not to mention she could buy the freaking cookie factory if she wanted to.


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