Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Visit to the Crazy Doctor

Fatima waddled in to the shrink's office yesterday. I'm not totally crazy about this guy. I'm sure he knows what he's doing, but I think he was absent on the "How to be Personable" day in med school. He has a bit of a superior attitude, although I've had a long history of dealing with 'resident douchebags' and I frequently find ways to subtly knock them down a notch or two from their self-proclaimed pedestals. I often wonder why certain people get into certain career fields, don't you?

And here's just a bit of my own prejudice. I consider myself an ardent feminist, yet there are still some manly traits I believe men should have, and one of them is not being effeminate - unless of course you're gay. Another is hyphenating your name. WTF? I'm not even a huge fan when women do it, but okay. But he has a hyphenated last name. What the hell. Here doc, try these words out for size:

"No, honey. I'm not hyphenating our two names. If you choose to, fine. If you want to keep your maiden name, fine. But I'm not hyphenating my name. Why? Because I'll look like a pussy. End of story."

Bottom line - I'm now on my happy pills and he and I talk, we're talking about my weight, eating disorder/bad self image issues.
Fatimah-on-the couch

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