I didn't go to work today. I had an OCD moment while I was getting ready for work. I simply had to stand on a stool and clean the uptake vent in my bathroom. Why? Who knows. I just have these cleaning moments when all else must take a backseat to include bleeding kids, something on fire in the kitchen, my bus coming to pick me up for work, fire alarms, etc. This was one of those 'urgent' moments when the vent HAD TO BE CLEANED RIGHT NOW! Something in the vein of "No more wire hangers......ever!"
In all my maturity and wisdom, I thought it would be quite alright to stand on my toddler's little step stool and pull out the vent, rinse off and replace. Easy enough, yes? No.
Spent about 5 hours this morning in the ER. I fell backwards ON MY BACK onto the side of the rub. NOTE: I just had lumbar decompression and fusion surgery in August. Anyway, good news is that all is fine; no slippage of any of the pins/rods in my back, no additional herniations, no trauma to my kidneys, colon, lunhs, blah blah. Bad news is that I'm sore as hell and bruised up like I've been in a bad biker bar fight.
Too bad Steph isn't here to be amused at my bruising. Sounds sadistic, which she's not. But as long as I'm okay and badly bruised - it's a good day in Toad's life! :)
Even thousands of miles away Toad laughed! Only Mum would not just clean a nasty vent at o'dark thirty in the morning, but nearly kill herself in the process!!! Glad your back is ok, how'd you explain that one at work?! Remind them that something like 90% of household accidents happen in the bathroom and maybe they'll forget the craziness of it all!
Okay, so I had this little Asian Doogie Howser doctor at the ER.
He goes, "Why you not ruse a radder?"
I wanted so badly to say: "Why you get degree in America, and you still no speak better Engrish?"
I abstained as it was HE who would later dole out the good meds!!!
LOL - I swear he only "rooked" about 16. Dang!
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