Fatima will be speaking at a conference in Philadelphia today. Joy. I always love getting up and speaking in front of hundreds of people - NOT. Why is it we fear public speaking? Actually I think there's only going to be about 30 people there - (100 was just a slight exaggeration on my part), and I know most of them or at least have emailed or talked with them on the phone in the past. No biggie. I know the subject matter, and have my notes ready. So, say prayers and send out good vibes towards the North East (specifically the Embassy Suites Hotel conference room located on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philly).
I'll be back home in jiffy - back in my soft cotton jammies cuddling with my baby in no time at all. She totally surprises me every day. Yesterday she went to the dentist for her first checkup and loved it. Never cried, thought it was a hoot, and tripped out on the fact that she got a new toothbrush! As a treat, I bought her a "Big Girl" book yesterday on dinosaurs because she loves them and can actually pronounce some of their names. I can't even do that. Maybe she'll be a Paleontologist one day. Or maybe just a barmaid with an interest in dinosaurs - who knows? Either way, her mommy will adore her. I promised to take her back to the Smithsonian (AGAIN) so she can see "the bones." She's a little bummed out that dinosaurs are extinct and asked me why. "Uh, cuz there was either a flood, or the earth froze, or lots of volcanos erupted and killed them all," was my answer. She looked at me like I was a major doofus.
I'll let you all know either tonight or tomorrow if I bombed or rocked at the conference. Hell, either way I get a paycheck, right? How bad can it be? :)
What are you speaking about? I hope it went well!!
I had 30 minutes to talk about Management/Internal Controls, the Annual Assurance Statement and Material Weaknesses. Not very interesting - but I did good! Got thumbs up from Greg and Billie and they both told me I "done good."
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