Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Little Help, Please

Had a lovely family bonding day in Baltimore today. It was a warm, sunny 87 degrees and we took our 3 year old to the Maryland Science Center. They have two huge exhibits going on right now - one on space/planets/the solar system, and the other one is on dinosaurs. This kid loves dinosaurs as much as she loves her mommy, Happy Meals and her baby dolls. She knows all of their names, whether or not they were carnivores, and now she's beginning to learn the various periods of their existence a well (Mesozoic, Jurassic, etc.)
Any-hoo we had a great 4-hour long trip through space and dug through sand to find bones, and ate hot dogs and popcorn at the IMAX dinosaur movie. All was well in the world.

We walked back to the car and she was very pensive; obviously something was on her mind and I just assumed she was disappointed that we left and that she was in need of a nap. I asked her what was wrong.

Riley: Mommy - I don't wanna be a "vettinarian" any more. Is that okay?

Me: Honey, of course it's okay, you can do whatever you want to do when you grow up. What do you think you want to do now if you're not going to be a veterinarian?

Riley: I'm going to be a Paleontologist.

A paleontologist! She's three. I need help immediately if not sooner. I'm no retard, but this kid amazes me. I know every parent thinks their child is a genius - but I'm here to tell you - this kid is a genius. How the hell do you raise someone who's already smarter than you at 3????

Slow Bus Fatima!


Toadamus said...

I love it!!! I can't wait till I start my little Bean school lessons in the fall... I'll take her back to the Smithsonians' and we'll eat a dozen Happy Meals (cus I miss my Chicken Mcnuggets) and we'll get snow cones all over us and we'll sing in the car and we'll laugh at our farts and it'll be like before...

Fatima said...

Yeah, thanks for passing along "Toad's Sno-Cone Legacy." I have to get her about two a week WITH marshmallow topping to keep her happy. So far, she's tried cherry, strawberry, watermelon, and recently she got brave and tried coconut. I had "A Day at the Beach," which was banana, pineapple and coconut. Yum! I can hardly wait to see you two - we love and miss you and talk about you every day! Mum