Thursday, February 1, 2007

Weird Habit

These wonderfully simple cartoons are thanks to:
I told you before that my oldest daughter has this bizzare 4-step process for putting on lip crap. I'm not real sure of the order, but first there's a sunblock thingie and then a primer, or maybe I have that mixed up, then some very light color and then some gloss. I might even have that entire thing wrong, but it doesn't matter. It's weird, not to mention annoying when you're in a hurry. The other weird thing she does is clean her ears with Q-tips for like 30 minutes straight. This could explain her hearing loss. Perhaps there's 72 pounds of built-up wax pressing against her ear drum. ????

Anyway, I'm going to start noticing weird things that my friends and family do and then post them for everyone's amusement. Next it will be daughter #2, then #3, then my husband, my sister, my mother, Cow, and other friends. Of course I expect responses back about my behavior as well - not that I have any weird quirks, but you you'll lie and make some up.

Fatima Bored


Anonymous said...

You heft one leg up on the counter while you do your make-up. I've tried it. But my legs are too short and chubby. Damn genetics.

Toadamus said...

She does throw one leg up there! Being that I grew up with that "weird habit" I can now call it my own. But I'm short too so I gotta actually climb up on the counter and sit on it with my chubby butt! No bathroom counters in Italy though... And its because of my bad hearing that I have to clean them so much damnit! They produce more wax or something... Haha, TMI right Fatima Fans?!