Saturday, January 13, 2007

Up at the Butt-crack of Dawn

Ever had one of those mornings when you just cannot go back to sleep - and you know that no matter how hard you try, you know it just isn't going to work. So I figured I'd get the hell up and do somthing useful or worthwhile.

I've not really done anything useful (the entire rest of the family is sleeping and I don't and to wake them up); so I surfed the web. Nothing useful or interesteing there either. I'm now updating Fatima - and as you can already tell - I probably need to go back to bed, because this is even boring me to tears!

But I will say something positive - you don't get to see too many of these when you sleep in until noon. Yes, this is a Maryland sunrise right of the Chesapeake Bay.

Fatima's going to catch a few more zzzzzz's. Peace - enjoy the picture.

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