Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Grits

Welcome back - happy holidays - and all that crap. Hope yours was spendorific!!

Only in the South do they eat a 2- lb. bowl of grits for breakfast. And I'm not talking just any old grits, or plain grits with a little butter and salt. Oh, no. The Christmas morning tradition is a HUGE, ginormous pot of grits, two (TWO!) sticks of butter, a pound of ground sausage, 6 eggs and about a pound of grated sharp cheddar cheese. Seriously. I call it "A Heart Attack In a Bowl." Now this would keep any normal and sane person full for about 10 days - not our family. Hell, we're already plotting the lunch menu about 10 minutes after the list bite of grits.

Oh, and that last missive I posted before I went away for the holidays about getting out and walking in between meals.......well, if walking between the aisles of the local Piggly Wiggly fishing for missing grocery items counts as exercise, then I did good. And my other goal, you remember the one about eating fruits - well, there were minuscule pieces of fruit in Uncle Arnie's congealed cranberry salad - so again, I'm going to chalk that up as a success. Baby steps, baby steps.......

Meanwhile, my 18 year old who is a size 4, eats THREE pieces of cake at the family reunion, in addition to her regular full-plate meal, and fails to gain one ounce. Whose genes does this crazy cracker possess and why didn't I get them???

I'm tired now so I'm going to sign off soon - however I did have an epiphany on our drive home from SC to MD - which I'll share with you all tomorrow regarding a food dysfunction which I recognize in myself but I'm not sure how to get beyond it. But I will leave you all with these classic Lennon/McCartney lyrics during this blessed season which we heard on our drive home today:

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world...
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Much love and peace to you all. Be kind to one another. "So shines a good deed in a weary world."


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