Anyway, August seems to be the month of changes in my life. My mother is coming to live with us in late May until she can find senior housing. How long will that take? I'm hoping the wait is only something like 2-3 months and not a year....Sweet Jesus. The middle child is going to move home this summer and save us some $$ on room and board because we live plenty close enough for her to commute to school. Then, I was notified last week that the eldest will be moving back in from August to December because her husband's going back to Afghanistan with Uncle Sam for a year; she'll be lonely, wants to see us, blah blah blah.
Meds need to be increased immediately, and I need to find hobbies QUICKLY. Send any and all ideas as soon as possible. Oh, and did I mention the road trip from hell I have to take with my mother from California to Maryland? It's a shame you can't drink heavy brown liquor straight out of the bottle while you drive. Who made those silly laws anyway? I'm already imagining the relentless 4 days worth of blather I'll have to listen to on my cross-country trek.

Pray for Fatima!
I think having the girls there will create a welcome buffer between you and the madre. Or...might I suggest my newest alcoholic delight? Limoncello.
Yeah. Mom already thinks (knows) I pop pills like gummi bears. Now I want her to see me drinking too? Silly girl.
That's why you hide it in the little bean's sippy cup! Time to put on your creative thinking cap. If only Dad was around, we could ask for his "tried and true" tricks...
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