Ok, I'm a Christian and Easter is our holiest of holy days - but it's also our sugariest of sugar days. We filled up our 3 year old's basket with enough sugar to feed most third world countries, then told her "No, you can't eat that - it's got too much sugar." I know she's thinking in her little 3 year old mind, "Are these fuckers crazy? Didn't they just give this to me? Exactly WHEN do I get to eat it?!"
Alright, we're not that bad, we let her have about two things a day. However, there are no holds barred for mom and dad. I ate an entire caramel-filled chocolate bunny. I ate my 3 year old's Easter bunny! There's got to be a special place in hell for that. Or perhaps not, since I guess Satan doesn't really do the whole Easter thing...............Oh well, getting back to the candy and chocolate. The other wonderful things in her (my) basket are Snickers eggs. Oh. My. God. Somehow, they're better than a regular Snickers.
Anyway, this is now what I'm sure I look like from behind. Serves me right. Any mother that would eat her toddler's Easter bunny should look like this!
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