I heard a rumor many years ago, that daddy long legs, ususaly thought to be harmless are actually one of the deadliest/toxic forms of spiders - as in you'll die a horrible painful death if you were to ever get bitten by one. Here's the glitch. There mouths are so minuscule, they can't open them up wide enough to bite anyone. What an odd "gift" to give to this little, otherwise harmless creature.
However, my new stance is this: genetic anomalies happen all the time. What if his mother and father had large mouths, and he/she got an extremely wide or big enough mouth? Then what? So now I kill them all the time. No remorse.
Not a very interesting blog, but hey - kids are born with their intestines out of their bodies, snakes and lizards are sometimes born with two heads. Why can't a daddy long-legs have an extraordinarily mouth? I don't know about you - but I'm not taking any chances!
Arachnophobia Fatima!!!
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