Friday, March 2, 2007

I'm Baaaaaaccckkkk

Fatima's back now after a short break. Busy, busy, busy at work - and then too tired when I get home to be a "good little blogger."

Went to Weight Watchers last night - 2.8 more pounds were shed. Yay! I think my total now is around 10-12 pounds. Hoo hoo. So, what did I do last night to celebrate? Stopped at Red Lobster on my way home from WW and got a slice of Vanilla Bean Cheesecake! It was an orgasm for the mouth!


1 comment:

Toadamus said...

So proud of me mum! I just got some fat-girl potion myself today. Some kind of soy Slim Fast knockoff. Sittin' around being a deadbeat housewife has taken its toll on my ass! Literally. I'll let ya know how disgusting it is tomorrow...