I love the author Augusten Burroughs. If you haven't read anything by him yet, stop what you're doing immediately and get to Borders or Barnes & Noble and spend the next week or two catching up. Call in sick to work if you need to. He's poignant, touching, painfully honest and hilarious. And so, because I'm such a huge fan of his, I check out his website at least twice a month to see what's new. He's at www.augusten.com.
Anyhow, he now has a section of all of his favorite sites/links, and one is:
www.vermontclothingstore.com - and to my amazement they have a button on their website which says - and I quote - "Click Here for Instant Help." Can you imagine? Have you ever seen such help in your lifetime? And so I clicked. I told them I need some anti-depressants, some anti-anxiety meds, a part-time housekeeper, help with training our dog, our toddler, one personal trainer to come over 3 times a week, a part-time dietitian, and some therapy - perhaps once a week or at least until I get out of this blue funk I'm in. I'm hoping that their little button was meant to be taken literally, but I've received no phone calls or knocks on my door yet. I'm sure they're just gathering their little group of professionals and getting them all ready for me....
Which brings me to this. I'll be back in therapy as of next week. Seems every few years, I find myself in need of someone to talk to, and someone to medicate me. After much soul searching I believe I need to stay on anti-depressant meds from now on. I tend to fall into that trap of believing that when I feel all is well, I go off the meds. Perhaps I'm just hard-wired to look at the cup as half-empty. Genes from both mom and pop probably prevail in that area. They were/are both depressed but never took anything for it.
I've never brought up my weight/eating issues up to a professional before; I'll be sure to share the insights.
P.S. If you loved Gary Larsen's cows in The Far Side, you'll probably like the wacky chickens at http://www.savagechickens.com/.
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