But here goes: he mouths words when he's mad. Let me 'splain: I don't mean like when he's mad at me or someone in the room to whom he can yell. I mean like he's mad at someone he just hung up on; or someone on the TV; or he found out something about someone and he's "mouthing" the future ass-whipping mouthing they're going to get; or mad as he's walking over to a neighbor's house pre-mouthing what he's going to say when he gets there; or mouthing what he's going to say to a teacher or principal (like when the two older girls were younger and we foolishly believed what they told us about their mean teachers).
These scenes are quite hilarious because he's so terribly serious about it. I mean you can feel the anger coming off of him, but you can't help but laugh at him because he looks like a buffoon. You see, he's a pretty easy-going guy; I'm the one with the temper/yelling/anger/cussing people out issues. So to see him like that gives me a brief glimpse of myself.
And I can tell you two things from that:
1. Its' not pretty
2. It's humorous, rather than intimidating, because most people just look plain stupid when they're angry.

So, I've enclosed a picture of one of my favorite mad persons: You can't HANDLE the truth!
Fatima loves me some Jack Nicholson!
1 comment:
I love Mr. Nickelson in ways Fatima don't wanna know!!! You can have Sammy though, and all his weirdness. I think the strangest of all his strangeness is the quirrish TV-watchin' leg cross! I miss it though... Well, maybe not that part, but the good-cookin', odd music listenin', debatin' Sammy part!
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