Got the news in the mail yesterday that there was a "finding" on my mammography from last week. So, after much crying and feeling sorry for myself and my toddler - I will take tomorrow off work and be pro-active. I have to make phone calls, get appts for more mammographies and ultrasounds, blah blah. There's a history in my family for breast tumors (benign) - so please send out prayers for Fatima that it's only benign and that my baby will have me around for a few more years. Called my mom and now she's worried to death. That was selfish on my part. I knew she'd be upset, but at the same time, there are just times you need to talk/cry to your mommy. And now I feel bad for her because I probably prematurely upset her.
I'll fill everyone in later on what's happening with my mammories! I say "cut 'em off and let's get new ones from that hunky doctor Dr. 90210." But that might be a little extreme at this juncure.
Pray for Fatima!
Talked to Mom last night. She wasn't as hysterical as I had anticipated. She said that if you died, Sam could just cut Riley's hair short and not have to style it. See? She's got all your problems SOLVED!
Yes, because the LENGTH of Riley's hair his high on my worry list!! Not things like her puberty, or her first boyfriend, or the pill, or her HS graduation, or her wedding. No. Simply the length of her hair. Thank you Jesus that's all straightened out.
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