Monday, July 9, 2007

Mom's Home Cooking

Oh dear. I've let the monster loose. I took my mom shopping with me Saturday morning. She made the comment on the way home, "Do you guys like meatloaf?" A little too quickly, and without near enough thought, I replied, 'yeah.'

Oh, Fatima. Have you learned nothing in your sad, sorry existence on earth? Don't you remember the food substances of your youth?

Let's see. Friday, I got home from work and mom had made "Pudding from Hell." This recipe consists of Lemon Jell-O, cottage cheese, Miracle Whip, shredded carrots, chopped up red onion, bell peppers and celery. No. I am not kidding.

Saturday was the meatloaf incident. I do like meatloaf. My meatloaf. Or, my husband's. But not the thing she made the other night with a glob of ketchup running down the center of it.

Last night was her version of spaghetti, which would make most true Italians weep over the Madonna and say 10 Hail Mary's.

How do I get her to stop before she makes her infamous Frito Pie? If I were mean, I'd tell her that she's been looking a little pale lately and that she might want to go lay down........for a few days.........hmmm....

Fatima w/clogged arteries


Anonymous said...

Get this: I LOVE her spaghetti. Love it. Not kidding. The ground beef in one bowl? The jarred sauce in another? The pasta in a third? With the shake parmesan cheese? Love it. It's the only spaghetti I'll eat.

Fatima said...

No. There was no hamburger used. Thse used chopped up Italian Kielbasas. No other spices, onions, garlic, Italian seasoning, mushrooms, etc. But then you used to put Ranch dressing on white rice so you're not quite the gourmet you make yourself out to be! Ha.

Toadamus said...

Is this what I have to look forward to next month? Oh d-d-d-dear, dear! I'm sure you remember my childhood days of picky eating habits, yes? I'm thinking of reverting back to my inner child soon!